I know what it's like to try and get a website out there when there really isn't an advertising budget of any sort. So I thought I'd just make a few links to like-minded websites that I thought my visitors might enjoy. If you can think of any that should be on this list, please let me know.

The Stettler P&H Elevator Society, is a group of hardworking people, who have spent the last several years, working to restore this historic monument on the south end of town.
They have raised money to reface the entire building, as well as extensive restoration, and repair work on the inside of the towering structure.
This is one of the 2 main websites that I refer to a lot for research, and photos. I would love to go there some day, and maybe I will just set a date and do it. They have a huge online archive, and I can only imagine their on-site archive is even more impressive.
This is probably the website that I use the most. It's got a great collection of photos, and other resources that I have found incredibly easy to navigate. I've searched newspapers, and phone directories here. it's a great project.